Join us Monday, June 5th for our Golf Tournament at The Club at Glenmore.
Registration includes Box Lunch for Four, Cart, Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin Competition, 4 tickets to the post-golf Awards Ceremony and Reception, and Complimentary Drinks.
Mulligans may be purchased for the whole team or individually. A Foursome Mulligan Ticket is $80 and 1 Mulligan Ticket is $20. 1 ticket is equal to 2 mulligans. Limit 1 ticket per player.
Limit 1 ticket per player.
Shelter for Help in Emergency is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia. Shelter for Help in Emergency provides comprehensive trauma-informed services to victims of domestic violence.
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P.O. Box 1013Charlottesville, VA 22902