Safe Browsing Tips

Advancements in technology in recent years have given us an array of convenient resources to keep in touch with family and friends. Many of us share memories, pictures, and little moments in our lives across various social networks including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat without consequence. We use GPS to navigate our travels and email to conduct personal business. For a victim of domestic/intimate partner violence, these same technological advancements and shared life moments can make them vulnerable, putting their safety at risk.
Computer Safety
- Topics you search for and websites you visit stay in your browser history. You can clear your history searches and websites visited all at once or one at a time under the settings tab.
- If you suspect someone is using your personal computer to track you consider using a public computer at a library or a friend’s computer.
- Open a private email account for important correspondence and safety planning you don’t want anyone else to see. Keep using your existing accounts to not raise any suspicions.
Phone Safety
- If you think your partner is monitoring your phone, consider purchasing a pay-as-you-go phone or get a donated phone from a local shelter such as the Shelter for Help in Emergency. Keep this phone hidden for emergencies so that your partner isn’t aware you have it.
- Location tracking devices can be placed on your phone or vehicle. Your local police station or mechanic can check your phone or vehicle for tracking devices.
- Regularly check your phone for any apps that have been downloaded or want access to your Bluetooth. Delete any apps that you do not remember downloading or don’t regularly use.
- Looks for spikes in your data usage. A sudden rise in usage may be a sign that spyware has been added to your phone giving your partner access.
- Block any unwanted callers.
- If you call 911 from your cell phone, tell them your address and location immediately in case you lose connection.
Social Media Safety
- Do not share any identifying information such as your address or phone number.
- When posting pictures or status updates do not share your location. Keep in mind landmarks or other identifying features that can give away your location.
- Ask friends and family not to share pictures of you that you’re not comfortable with.
- Do not accept friend requests from people you don’t know. Your abuser may have created a fake social media account to keep track of you.